Specifications and Requirements
Chapter 2
The Burton team wanted to do something different with Anon this year. Rather than selling Anon on the Burton.com website, they wanted to go direct to consumer using Shopatron as the fulfillment house - we did this last year for Burton with the Analog Clothing Brand.

Creative Process
Chapter 3
Burton provided us with art direction and creative assets. We had to create a working prototype with that lead to many revisions - as you know it's all in the details.
A challenge was to make sure that the fonts, pixel dimensions colors and interactivity was consistent across all defined resolutions.

Chapter 4
While we were working within the final development version, we also had to tie in our Content Management System. A lot of the functionality such as the color boomed and riders journal was all dynamic.
In addition we had to integrate Adobes Scene 7 to pull all images and product shots from Burtons database. Lastly we also had to make sure that our CMS would reflect changes made on the back end directly into their Mobile App.
In addition, we focused on Large Desktop, Small Desktop, Tablet and iPhone including several landscape resolutions.

Chapter 5
The end-result is stunning visual eye-candy, innovative UI and unique design to stand out from the current action sport industry - an award winning brand and design strategy.