
Our Process

We are focused on making things look beautiful... and work for you


We learn what motivates your customers and your business,
and what you aspire to become.

  • Information gathering: client survey, initial consultation by phone, in person
  • Expectations, what does success look like
  • Technology discussion
  • Feasibility review
  • Schedule and timeline
  • Budget and terms
  • Client Survey!

An integrated web and mobile strategy - that’s where we begin.
Let's put our heads together and review your business goals, audience
needs, and competition so we'll take off in the right direction.

  • Business requirements, objectives review
  • Audience review
  • Set milestones
  • Review competitors
  • Create use case scenarios
  • Create features list
Content creation

We don’t believe in filling boxes with just any ol’ words and pictures.
Your story, and the way we express it, is just as important as the design.

  • Content audit
  • Content analysis: branding, voice, SEO, persuasive content, aligning with goals
  • Recommendations for content changes, deletions, moves, additions
  • Editorial styleguide, editorial calendar
  • Writing and editing
  • Flowing in content to CMS

When your customers visit, how should they feel? What should they
know? Where should they go? Let’s explore design options, then create
wireframes, mockups, and final designs to reflect your business and
influence your audience.

  • Explore other brands’ sites we admire and dislike
  • Establish features and functionality
  • Create wireframes and black and white prototypes
  • Explore color palettes
  • Design mockups
  • Narrow options and fine-tune a single design for templates
  • Finalize design templates

Website architecture, website development, database setup, and
content development are all foundational to your project.

We build 'em strong and ready for growth.

  • Site outline and sitemap
  • Site diagram or user path
  • Bug/QA list established
  • Front end development, templates and light dynamic experiences
  • Backend development, databases and deep dynamic experiences
  • Integrating front and backend!
Testing & Launch

With everything else in place, our team can take off, coding, writing,
designing, and managing your project until we cross the finish line
with energy to spare.

  • Establish browsers, platforms, and operating systems to test on
  • Check functionality against use case scenarios
  • Review connection speeds, load times
  • Check bugs and fixes
  • Review any known risks and establish plans
Maintenance & Ongoing Support

After launch, we won’t forget about you. We check in to ensure everything
is working smoothly, check to see if you need updates or upgrades, and
make certain your customers - and you - are happy.

  • Client directed updates
  • Nwareindia directed guidance and updates
  • Ongoing bug list fixes